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les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 24 juin 2013, 17:49
par Pépite
je parcourait les annonces des fufus sur leboncoin et je tombe sur sa
je ne savait pas que les moufettes était des animaux de compagnie sa doit pas etre facile de trouver un bon véto

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 24 juin 2013, 22:11
par bootsychris
un fufu quand ça dégase l'odeur s'estompe assez vite. les moufettes, elles, elles lancent le jet et c'est très difficile de s'en débarasser. je préfère 10 fufus qui dégasent à une moufette

il faut te dire que les gens veulent toujours autre chose.
demain ce sera autre chose.
à l'inverse des furets, ce sont des animaux qui étaient sauvages, tel le vison qui est interdit en France, mais des gens en ont, les chiens de prairie et autres .
comme les gens qui ont des reptiles, ils ne savent plus quoi acheter, il faut que ce soit différent du voisin.

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 24 juin 2013, 22:28
par Pépite
oui j'avais entendu ce genre d'histoire en amérique ou une personne s'était faite arrosée par une moufette l'odeur ne passait pas malgres des bains des douches du coup elle ne sortait plus jusqu'a se que sa passe. ce qui est tristounet c'est que pour éviter sa les gens doivent leurs fair enlever les glandes je ne connait pas bien les moufettes mais certains animaux ne sont pas fait pour vivre chez les humains je pense en particulier au serpent j'ai des amis qui nous ont raconter que leurs amis avait des serpents et ce serpent se promenait en quazi liberté dans la maison et un soir il retrouve se serpent tout raide dans leur lit et sa s'est repeter donc ils sont aller voir le véto car s'était bizzard le véto leur dit non mais votre serpent faut pllus qu'il sorte la car en faite quand il fait sa il prend vos mesure donc il s'étire pour vous mangez lorsque qu'il sera assez grand...

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 24 juin 2013, 22:53
par magalie
Roh cette histoire et gorh ça fait froid dans le dos
Mais oui tout les animaux ne sont pas fait pour vivre avec nous profitons de ceux que nous avons
Nos fouif s est du deux en un déjà

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 25 juin 2013, 22:37
par bootsychris
voici ce qu'on trouve à acheter, entre autre :

Petit suricate de 1 an (durée de vie : 10 ans) , très joueur et câlin. marron/gris (nommé Mouchou.) 255 euros + livraison à domicile pour 5 euros de plus . qui est une mangouste

on trouve des chiens de prairie. tous les 2 sont des animaux grégaires. j'en ai vu dans un refuge il y a quelques années FREE mutilés d'ennui : 2 avaient la queue rongée et 1 avait une patte avant rongée.

et la liste s'allonge de jour à jour d'animaux qui sont d'ailleurs pour faire bien : moi j'ai un *********** et toi t'a quoi ????????
et ce sont les animaux qui trinquent

à j'ai trouvé aussi sur facebook des furets à vendre et avec livraison dans toute la France, on achète un furet comme on achète un vulgaire produit

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 26 juin 2013, 08:49
par Pépite
C'est tristoune tout sa mais la France c'est pas le pire y'a le Québec aussi qui n'est pas mal dans le genre :(

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 26 juin 2013, 12:19
par bootsychris
dans certains pays, ces animaux existent à l'état sauvage. nous on les importe.
et en France il est interdit de posséder un animal sauvage vivant en France : hérisson, fouine, putois, renard, biche, chevreuil et j'en passe.

Re: les moufettes des animaux de compagnie

Publié : 26 juin 2013, 12:38
par bootsychris
voici les ravages que peut faire un raton laveur

pour traduire il y a google traduction qui n'est pas mal

The truth is...raccoons, albeit amazing, do NOT display the behaviors that typically qualify an animal as "pet" material. Dogs and cats and many other domesticated critters have been genetically manipulated over time so that they adapt to our homes easily and look to us for quality and fulfillment of life. Wild animals are NOT domesticated and choosing to keep them as pets means living on their terms.
Baby raccoons are unarguably adorable! They purr, cling to their parent like human infants and snuggle as long as you can stand it. The first year of life with a raccoon is full of quirky, fun behaviors and memories you'll reflect on for a lifetime. All your friends will think you have the coolest pet on the block and you'll take your baby everywhere you go and bask in the limelight of curiosity and envy that only such an amazing animal can generate....HOWEVER......
Generally by the raccoons first birthday it becomes obvious that its not nearly as awesome as you'd first imagined. By now you have a "den" within your couch, you've replaced the mini blinds 6 times, there's a hole in your ceiling plaster, and there are areas of the house that don't quite smell right. Its been a rough road but you pat yourself on the back and for fear of "I told you so's" from those who urged you to give up the little beast when he was only a few weeks old, you forge ahead and figure you've got the worst behind you now....things will get better as he grows out of the "baby stage".
The second year of life with a raccoon is much like the first year....except your baby is now a 30 pound, sexually mature animal hell bent on making YOUR home into HIS and assuming the role of a moody teenager who really doesn't care what you want...what you DONT want...or what the house "rules" are. Snuggling is now cut to the minimal amount required to get a few cookies and you may or may NOT see your pet throughout the day as he moves from one sleeping area to another, only stopping to pull your coffee cup from the table and swipe your I pod from the nightstand....and you let him....because the last time you tried to stop him....he "told" you he didn't like it and you have the scar to show for it.
As time goes on you realize that you probably should have done things differently in the beginning. Its now obvious that this "relationship" you have is a little lop-sided and you wonder how much longer you can allow this animal to live inside your home and dictate your cringe at the thought of another 12 years of trying to "co-exist" with the monster. Certainly you could build a big cage outside....then he could have his own space to rearrange and pee on just as he likes without involving your own turf....but cages are expensive and time consuming to build...and wouldn't he really be happier "free"? decide that's what he's needed all along....and you figure that all the snippy behavior and ignoring you MUST mean that the "time has come" and he's now ready to go his separate way.
Finally settling on the decision to give your pet the life he deserves you sit down and start making some phone calls. One by one you file through the list of animal rehabilitators given to you by your local DNR office. Each one says the same thing..."I do not accept imprinted animals". You keep calling and you keep getting the same response. Angered and frustrated you wonder WHY no one wants to help you. Doesn't anyone care about the animal at stake? Finally you make contact with a single rehabilitator who says they may be able to help you. They explain to you that the expenses involved with accepting imprinted animals is great..the time and effort consuming.....and the risk of danger high. THIS is why very few can help you. She also explains that although she will make the sacrifices FOR THE ANIMAL... there is a very good chance that your pet may never become competent enough to live on his own....and that sadly...the only option for him may become euthanasia.
It is at this point you realize the gravity of what has happened....and are mournful. You see that had you given your baby up to this very person in the beginning.....he would now be a normal wild the life he was meant to have. Now instead he is a hopelessly lost wild soul with behavior and capability all molded by a "domestic" lifestyle. Basically.....he doesn't fit in anywhere and it will now take months if not years of deprogramming to get him back to his birthright.

Despite all of these things, the rehabber lady still offers to take your pet into her program. You make the arrangements and drive the 2 hours the following weekend to hand over your baby to a complete stranger. All the way there you remember with fondness the good times and the baby face that stole your heart. You remember the plans you made, the life you expected and you realize that the dreams you had for the two of you were never possible and the only things accomplished by this endeavor are a few foggy memories and the theft of a normal life for the animal that you truly do love with your whole heart.
You arrive at the facility for wild animals and the smiley faced lady meets you happily...she knows she will have your pet for a long time..that she will spend lots of funding to support him....and that because pet coons generally don't like new people, he could be a dangerous patient. But she smiles still and talks you through the tears of heartbreak you're now fighting back....because she knows that no amount of "education" she can give you is any better than the one you have given yourself. Her only hope is that when you drive away that you have some sort of appreciation for her effort and will compensate her by becoming a voice and advocate for those future orphans found and kept hostage by those who are as well-meaning and dazzled as you were that fateful day 2 years ago.